Image credit: weheartit
So, last weekend I turned 27. A relatively good age in my opinion. The wrong side of 25 some others might say. Needless to say that in twenty seven years I have learnt a lot...
1 Giving is so much better than receiving: it's totally okay to be more excited about Christmas shopping than the day itself. Likewise for birthdays, Mother's Day, weddings...the list goes on.
2 You will still make fashion disasters: Cheryl Fernandez-Versini style combat trousers didn't work for her and they didn't work for me either.
3 You will become more emotional: One Born Every Minute, Don't Tell the Bride and even Hollyoaks, shedding a tear to my much loved television programs has become more frequent than Dodger taking his top off.
4 Wine and chocolate will be best friend (sometimes): the reason being? See above.
5 Make time for those who matter: my father once told me that when I become an actual grown up, counting my best friends on one hand would be normal and right he was. But this isn't a bad thing by any means.
6 You meet some rather amazing people: as I've aged, I've developed more friendships than I ever did as an adolescent, all of which I know are lifelong.
7 Staying in is the new going out: there's no denying it, enjoying a glass of wine with the TV definitely trumps a sweaty nightclub.
8 Grown up drinks become more grown up: wine is enjoyed with dinner and not in the bottle with a straw!
9 Its okay, not to be okay.
10 You won't take BS from anyone: with age comes the ability to stand up for yourselves, be it in the workplace, out and about or sadly, over social media.
11 ...But you'll always be polite: temper tantrums and awkward arguments are a no-no.
12 It's normal to have more than three weddings in a summer: all of which will be special, exciting and magical in their own way.
13 Grown up talk turns to bills and babies: no more boys and bad nights out!
14 But you become less scared to say what you think: honesty is always the best policy.
15 It's okay to ask for help: growing up means standing on our own two feet, but sometimes we all need a helping hand and it's okay to admit it.
What about you? I'd love to hear yours?