So with four of the products to hand, two make-up and two skincare I was intrigued to see if they were worth the Australian hype.
Mineral Blush in Gelati
This came in such a beautiful colour, with a subtle pearlescent pop to it. Although it looks really dark pink in the pot, it's actually extremely light - the perfect colour for paler skin tones.
Mineral Lip Glaze in Frisky Business
On the website, the colour of this Mineral Lip Glaze looks a lot pinker than it actually is - it's more of a natural peach. Unlike other lipglosses I've tried this one doesn't feel sticky, in fact it's quite soothing and the colour looks really natural.
I've been using the Liquid Loofah on-off since getting my hands on it and I was immediately sold. It literally is, a liquid loofah - a rough body scrub, that once once worked into the skin dissolves into soft, light bubbles.
It smells similar to a spray tan I once had, but I've been telling myself that this is just the Coconut it says it contains and so far I haven't turned orange while using it. This is such a fab product to use and it gives you really soft skin too.
I'm not one for discussing products I don't like, as I feel that you guys want to hear what products are fab and not drab (...sorry!) Although this product didn't work for me, it might for someone else, which is why I'm mentioning it.
The Bronzing Custard is a gradual tan in a cream formula, which claims to build a natural looking tan the more often you use it. It smells quite similar to the Liquid Loofah and doesn't have that awful biscuit fragrance some similar products carry. It sinks in quickly and if anything acts as a regular moisturiser. Just the tan element of the product never seemed to produce...
I've always been interested in products from across the pond and think some of the products from the brand are rather interesting - from Body Shampoos to Body Frosting, there's something slightly different to what we have here in the UK. But I'd definitely recommend trying the Liquid Loofah, it's one of my favourite products to date!
Have you tried any of the Vani-T products? Or can you recommend any other brands outside of the UK?