Friday, 10 September 2010

My favourite things...

As a beauty writer, it can be hard not to have favourites. From your favourite blusher to that must-have foundation (I’ll admit, L’Oréal has me every time) there is one brand I’ll always come back too…Avon.

Not only do they stock one of the biggest ranges I’ve ever seen, but their products actually work. I mean, how many times have you applied your mascara to find that by lunchtime it’s flaked all over your face? With Avon you get quality products at a fraction of the price and they look amazing too!

I’m currently in love with their Nailwear Pro nail varnish. It’s available in a variety of colours, suiting every outfit choice possible and it lasts for days too! My favourite is Peppermint Leaf, which closely resembles the same colour as seen by Chanel earlier on in the year.

And what makes Avon more special for me? It’s totally available on your doorstep…
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